Top 5 Things Hurting New Grads In Their Job SearchJob Search

Top 5 Things Hurting New Grads In Their Job Search

New college graduates face one of the toughest job board markets since the Great Depression. With the unemployment rate hovering around eight percent, obtaining a job even with a four or six year degree could take six months or longer, depending on the industry in which the grad majored. However, graduates who avoid these five things that can potentially hinder their job search may land a job in less time:

  • Recruiters often complain about scanning through piles of resumes that start to blend together after awhile. Graduates will enhance their chances for an interview by not only knowing how to format a resume but making their resume stand out. Video resumes are a great way to differentiate graduates as they allow soft skills and personality to show through. A video resume gives an employer the chance to “meet” a candidate even before the interview!
  • Another complaint voiced by job recruiters is that many graduates are applying for jobs that require a minimal amount of experience. For example, a four-year degree in chemistry does not automatically make a graduate qualified to work at a top-notch pharmaceutical company. This assumption that a degree will replace an employer’s request for several years experience often hurts grads when job searching and leads to discouragement as well.
  • Millenials rely heavily on the Internet for just about everything, more so than any other generation currently using the Web. What 20-somethings shouldn’t do when it comes to finding a job is rely solely on the Internet for employment opportunities. Doing other things like personally visiting companies, filling out paper applications and networking with family members are also great ways to land a job that may not be advertised online.
  • Earning a degree in a field that does not reflect positive employment numbers will have a detrimental impact on a new grad’s job search. For example, graduates fresh out of law school face intense competition in a job market saturated with too many lawyers and not enough openings. Researching the viability of a degree prior to declaring a major is highly recommended.
  • Grads should not assume they will be hired simply because they have a degree. Neglecting to dress properly for an interview, being late for an interview and behaving in an unprofessional manner are all things that can hurt new grads as they search for a job.

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