Digital Hiring

Why Digital Hiring Becomes the First Choice for Companies in 2023

Why Digital Hiring Becomes the First Choice for Companies in 2023

With the pandemic, the recruitment industry underwent a drastic change. From hiring down to onboarding, companies changed their processes. 

According to Tech Nation’s Jobs and Skills Report, the number of advertised roles increased by 36 percent between June and August. This is surprising because many people lost their jobs months ago. However, this spike in the advertised roles was due to technology, which served as an enabler for many companies and communities.

Back then, digital tools for recruitment went from nice-to-have to a must-have. Read more on why has internet recruiting become so important and made its way as the first choice for companies.

Candidate-driven process

Choosing an additional asset in your company is a crucial process. Before allowing a new member to enter your team, it takes countless considerations to make before allowing a new member to join your team. 

In traditional hiring, the struggles and challenges faced by most of the candidates are often overlooked by the company. The applicants have to be on time despite the unbearable traffic. Candidates must also bear the long and tiring process of waiting to be interviewed and the pressure in the environment. 

In addition, choosing to conduct an interview online would benefit not only your position in the company but also those of the candidates.  As there could be instances that your next asset lives far from your office and lacks the access to attend physically to an interview is indeed a significant loss. However, allowing applicants to record their assessments and your company must ready itself for more substantial improvement! 

From digital meetings to online works, interviewing a candidate has to be virtually conducted, too. Different online platforms and software thrived in these times in response to these altering modifications, which also pose confusions that might hinder the flow in your workspace.

Jobma offers demos to help you conduct an efficient digital recruitment process and presents how video interviews help you succeed in today’s competitive job market. It also allows you to discover the importance of using different software and platforms, especially since most of today’s working system requires you to do so.

Less workload

Sorting out files and assessments on the applicants requires long-term preparation and is also a time-consuming task. This has to be one of the jobs in a company that demands a thorough review. 

The traditional interview usually runs for weeks or even months just by screening the candidates. You could cover more work than just sitting and repeating various questions to potential employees by that time. Given that there are challenges in conducting a dialogue physically, may it be on the candidate’s part or you, it would affect your working system. This is an important matter that explains how video interview software fosters efficient hiring.

Working in a company is somewhat complicated, and it is your employee’s right to be paid that would equate to their hard work. However, the confusing numbers during payrolls are taking a toll on your mindset, making you feel overwhelmed during payday. To aid that, start looking into the top payroll software solutions, reward yourself with fewer workloads, and make your job easier.

Fast tracking of results

The advent of technology in this digital age undeniably gives easy access to get your job done quickly. Having countless copies of a candidate’s resume would only lead to confusion and an unorganized system. Nonetheless, it also complicates the review for qualified applicants. 

During a digital interview, you could share the process with your recruitment team to help you decide whether to advance the applicant to the next stage. When using video interviewing software, the candidate is rated based on the different parameters, and the applicant with the best ranking will be chosen and selected for the position. 

Furthermore, to ensure a candidate’s qualifications during online hiring, Jobma expounded on how video interviewing works for efficient hiring. The dashboard feature of your interview software will allow you to view the candidate’s information. Using this control will improve your company’s hiring system that would then present a positive result of the effectiveness of online recruitment.

Quick sourcing of talents

For years, the search for talents and competent applicants has been elevated in online platforms. The internet has been vital in recruitment as well as for the job-seeking opportunities of applicants. This has been proven in a study conducted by Pew Research Center, where 54% of Americans rely online to find information about work, and nearly 45% applied for an online job. The presented data suggest that digital media serve and hold the reference for job hunting, where people could interact and help each other.

As the growing community of job hunters thrives online, it is high time for recruiters to use this platform to look for talents. LinkedIn, for example, is one of the most regarded sites of employers and business owners in terms of quick sourcing of candidates. Its features will help you make your hiring process easy and provide digital hiring solutions. By just posting a job on it, you could reach potential applicants. 

The chance of attracting a few candidates is always present. However, you can conquer it by fixing your approach in posting job vacancies.

Here are some pro-tips for finding top talents:

  • Create a solid headline and job title 
  • Use keywords to search for suitable candidates 
  • Build a reputable company page on LinkedIn
  • Utilize the ‘People Also Viewed’ features 
  • Encourage people for referrals
  • Look for open to work profiles and social profile tags
  • Add job title hashtags to find candidates

Standardized interviews

The COVID-19 pandemic for almost two years has now pushed the companies and industries to come up with interventions. Offices and buildings have to become empty to pave the way for the work-from-home setup, suggesting a total dependence on digital working. 

Having the tasks done online is the best choice in the current situation you are in. It has become beneficial, especially that physical interaction is prohibited. Companies turn to digital interviews even on the hiring system as the world continues to battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. A study from StandOut CV and JD-Library revealed that more than half of the employers would continue to incorporate video interviews in their hiring process even after the restrictions are lifted.

Set up a demo to learn how to automate your hiring process.

It’s time to adapt

New challenges need new responses. In a situation where everything unceasingly changes before you, adapting to it is necessary to venture successfully. Digital hiring is the new normal and will be the future of recruitment technology. Having to get along with the digital recruitment trends is now one of the top priorities of every company. Jobma will help you discover more and learn about the essential software in today’s online working.