Maintain Stable Hiring in Uncertain Times: How Jobma Can Help?

Maintain Stable Hiring in Uncertain Times: How Jobma Can Help?

Amid of such an unforeseen global health crisis when most of the counties in the world have put their professional activities at the hold to avoid the spread of coronavirus, the businesses are left with no option but to opt for a virtual platform to maintain uninterrupted hiring schedule. Jobma is one such video interviewing software, which is providing live and pre-records video interview facilities to the businesses and helping them to avoid in-person interview and hiring process.  The cutting-edge technological advancement and amazingly affordable cost of Jobma have made it a reliable virtual platform for companies to maintain their hiring process uninterrupted.  If you are concerned about your postponed hiring schedule due to lockdown, Jobma video interview tool will help you not only in returning your hiring process on track but also made it efficient as never before.

How can Jobma help your hiring schedule to stay afloat amid uncertainty?

In such abnormal conditions due to the corona outbreak, maximum businesses around the globe are bound to limit their activity. But, Jobma helping the companies to continue hiring process and modernize their recruiting toolkit with its top-notch video interviewing tool. Here we will discuss how Jobma has proved a boon to the companies and boosting their hiring ability even in such an unforeseen crisis.

  • Through its video interview facility, Jobma allows the hiring team to connect with a wide range of candidates and select the best-fit among them regardless of their geographical boundaries. Such ability also enables the hiring team to access the hordes of the candidate for interviews and selects the most suitable.
  • Jobma video interviewing software allows the hiring team as well as candidates to participate in the interview process on their own chose time slot. It also provides an option for the recruiters to review and compare a candidate as many times as they want for a better understanding.
  • Unlike various other video interview platforms, Jobma gives both live and pre-recording facilities for the interview, which made this interviewing tool a technically advance from the other similar product in the market.
  • Jobma is an amazingly affordable video recruiting software and accessibe to all size and scale of businesses, as it cost just $1 per interview. Due to its highly affordable subscription, it’s easy for the company to opt for its services to stabilize their hiring process.
  • The friendly and pro-client user interface of Jobma made it easily accessible even for new users, after a quick online demo. By choosing Jobma a hiring team can easily enhance its hiring abilities multi-fold that is too seating at their desired location.

So, from the features mentioned above, we can say that adding Jobma into your recruiting tools will help you even such adverse conditions of global lockdown to maintain your hiring schedule and sharpen your recruiting ability with technological advancement.

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