Video Interview

5 Tips to Stand Out in a Video Interview

5 Tips to Stand Out in a Video Interview

Do you have a video interview coming up? If so, are you are eager to show that you are a perfect fit for the position and stand out from the rest of the candidates participating in the interview? Then this post will help you deliver your best and improve your chances to get hired. Here you will learn a tactical approach that will help you appear confident, warm, and relax in a video interview. After reading this blog, you will be able to figure out ways to leave a great impression on recruiters beyond the competition. So here we are listing some great tips that will help you bag a job of your choice easily.

Create a professional surrounding:
Before you start interviewing, create a clean and neat environment around you. A camera frame with a messed-up background might distract the interviewer’s attention, and that can create an impression that you were not well prepared for the interview. Close your windows and door to muffle up noise when interviewing and keep the pets out of reach, if any. An organized environment in your surroundings reflects your professional approach to the interviewer and optimizes your chances to select.

Set up your interview devices:
Once you’ve done with your interviewing space, work on your interviewing devices and ensure a high-speed internet connection to avoid interruption amid the interview. Preferably, use a computer instead of a mobile phone. It will help you maintain a stable camera angle throughout the interview. Place your device at the level of your head to keep a straight body posture when interviewing. These minor fixes will send a message to the interviewers that you’ve prepared for the interview and let you showcase your professional etiquette to them.

Don’t lose your calm:
No matter how much you are experienced or prepared for the interview, there’re always chances of unexpected technical glitches. Whenever you experience such issues, it is essential to maintain calm and look relaxed. The best way to deal with such a problem is to keep ready an alternative option and reconnect with the interviewers. If it’s not possible all of a sudden, then politely request the interviewers to reschedule the interview. Apart from this, sometimes recruiters may ask you some random questions to observe your instant reaction and ability to deal with uncertainty. If it happens to you, give yourself a 5-second pause and prepare a suitable answer based on your overall experience. If yet not possible to answer the question, politely say you don’t know without giving any lame excuses.

Dress as if you’re in a face-to-face meet:
When participating in the interview, you should look professional, same as in in-person interviews. You shouldn’t take your interviews casually just because you are participating virtually. Research well and look attentive in front of the camera. It sends a message to the recruiters that you are interested in the job and taking the opportunity seriously.

Finish up on a positive note:
Don’t forget to thank your recruiters for giving you an opportunity before saying goodbye. Asking sensible questions is a simple way to show your interest in the job. It will leave a positive impression in the interviewer’s mind for a long time and increase your chances of getting shortlisted.

The above tips and tricks would help you improve your skills and stand out in a video interview. For more information on How To Succeed In A Virtual Interview? check out Jobma’s blogs and FAQs section.

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