So I Am Capable of Getting a Big-kid Job?

So I Am Capable of Getting a Big-kid Job?

You just graduated from college and are embarking on the daunting task of finding your first big-kid job. But between juggling school, sports, part-time work, clubs, and a social life, the amount of relevant experience you have related to the jobs you’re applying for is limited. Maybe you didn’t have time to fit an internship into your education. The thought of writing a one-page resume feels like being asked to write a doctoral thesis. How in the world are you going to convey that you are a capable employee?

First of all, it is okay to be in this position. Know that you are not alone! And know that experience is not the only thing that secures a job. Employers are also very eager to know if you have good soft skills, or a set of skills relating to someone’s personality, attitude, and values that can make you a better employee. Examples include flexibility, positivity, communication, attitude, leadership, honesty, interpersonal skills, motivation, and creativity. According to a recent survey, 67% of HR managers would rather hire administrative staff with strong soft skills even if their technical skills were lacking. Only 9% would hire someone with strong technical skills and weak interpersonal skills. For more information on the importance of soft skills in the hiring process, check out this infographic.

As someone with limited experience, what does this mean? This means that the skills you are lacking (i.e. hard skills) are the ones that employers seem to be less concerned about because they can be taught. Take advantage of this and inflate your resume with the soft skills you have that are necessary for success in the jobs you are applying for.

A video resume is a great way to portray these skills and overcome the problem of limited relevant experience. By pairing a video pitch with your written resume, you are showing your employer that you have all of the necessary soft skills to be successful in a given job and that you are capable of learning the hard skills required for the position. A video resume allows you to show, rather than tell, that you have these skills, which makes your resume much more powerful and unique among a pool of other resumes. Employers will gravitate towards your self-differentiating and memorable self-branding technique and appreciate the direct access you allow them to your soft skills.

Get started today by signing up for Jobma’s free video resume trial!

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