Take Barney Stinson’s Advice to “Suit Up” for Your Video Resume

Take Barney Stinson’s Advice to “Suit Up” for Your Video Resume

We all know that we should look professional and polished when shooting our video resume. But how much does that really matter? To what extreme do we need to go to ensure that our images look professional? Will employers notice chipped fingernail polish or heavy perfume? These are all great questions, and research provides some pretty interesting answers.

According to a recent study by Management Recruiters International, 34.2 % of executives agree that the business casual dress code has become too casual and diminished the standards of respect. This means that business casual may not be enough anymore. Consider wearing a suit for your video resume. It can only show prospective employers that you are ambitious and serious about your career.

Statistics also show that people make assumptions and determinations about your socioeconomic status, educational level, and desirability based on the impression you give in the first five to thirty seconds of meeting them. That’s a lot of information to assume from so little time! So what does this mean for your video resume? Because well-dressed and well-groomed individuals are usually assumed to have more money and education, your appearance in your video resume can have more impact on your first impression than you may realize.

A statistic offered by Business Insider offers more support for this idea, stating that within seven to seventeen seconds of first meeting someone, 55% of a person’s opinion is determined by physical appearance.

“So how do I spruce myself up for my video resume?” you may be wondering. The statistics show that investing the time to do so is clearly worthwhile, so here’s a laundry list of attire to consider when you’re getting ready (provided by about.com):

Women’s Interview Attire:
  • Solid color, conservative suit
  • Coordinated blouse
  • Moderate shoes
  • Limited jewelry
  • Neat, professional hairstyle
  • Tan or light hosiery
  • Sparse make-up and perfume
  • Manicured nails
  • Portfolio or briefcase
Men’s Interview Attire:
  • Solid color, conservative suit
  • White long sleeve shirt
  • Conservative tie
  • Dark socks, professional shoes
  • Very limited jewelry
  • Neat, professional hairstyle
  • Go easy on the aftershave

To explore how the color of what you wear can impact your video resume, or simply begin creating your video resume today!

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