JOBMA Launches the 30 second Resume Creation Feature

Jobma launches the 30 second resume creation feature, a recent innovation in job searching methodology. Using this feature the current jobseekers can upload their 30 second resume as a means to promote themselves to the job hiring companies. This gives them an edge over the other jobseekers to make their profile stand out and land on their dream job. Jobma gives the flexibility to the jobseekers to upload video resume as 30 second resume along with the textual resume. The general trend of posting the resumes in textual format will now be complemented with video resumes. Jobma also provides benefits to the employers, who post their jobs in Jobma. Now, they can post the video jobs that best describe about their job requirements.  Moreover, the employers can create their company’s video that describe about their company. This innovative technique is currently the most rewarding feature that has been successfully implemented in Jobma. The 30 second resume sets you as a job seeker or an employer to be in the spotlight of the other. The jobseekers get a better opportunity for their dream job, and the employers get a better candidate for their great job.

The job seekers video resume provides an added advantage of presenting their soft skills as well as hard skills in a systematic way. The job seekers are recommended to view the demonstration of CNN 30 Second Resume as a guide to create the best possible video resume. The recording of the resume should be done through proper rehearsal and following the basic steps of creation of the resume. These video resumes are viewed by the employers, who have a wider perspective to know the job seekers profile accurately. The employers now have an opportunity to know the communication skills, presentation skills, and behavioral skills of the applied candidate prior to the interview. On the other hand, the company’s video and the job resume gives an opportunity to the job seekers to know the position and strength of the company and whether they are fit for the position that they are applying for. So, the employers should record the job resume in a way that best describe their job requirements, while the jobseekers should record the resume pitch that best describe their skill sets. Register to Jobma, record and upload your 30 second resume and be different.

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