Hiring Techniques

Creative Hiring Techniques to Search for Top Talents Worldwide

Creative Hiring Techniques to Search for Top Talents Worldwide

In a span of a few years, modern technologies have completely transformed the recruitment industry. Before, the recruitment process could take somewhere between 45-60 days, which has now been reduced to only 15-25 days.

If you are a tech-geek, you will surely love all the innovative technologies taking over the recruitment industry. From artificial intelligence to the gamification process, check out these creative hiring techniques to access global talents.

Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment Tools

Artificial intelligence has already become a major factor in the recruitment industry. It can streamline the hiring process by taking over work like screening, shortlisting, and engaging the applicants. Here are a few powerful tools that use artificial intelligence.

  • Facial analysis – Quickly evaluate a candidate’s soft skills to find a culture-fit employee.
  • Chatbots – Increase candidate engagement with AI-powered chatbots
  • Data analysis – Collect all the data about a candidate to make informed hiring decisions

AI can be commanded to target applicants across the world. These AI-enabled tools will boost your search process so that you will target candidates based on specific skills.

Additional Reading: How is artificial intelligence changing the recruiting process?

Video Interviews to Eliminate Travel Restrictions

The recruitment industry has removed the time zone barriers by adopting video interviews. Even if candidates live in another corner of the world, they can still appear for an online interview.

With video interviewing tools like Jobma, Skype, Zoom, and Google Meet, you can interview the top talents worldwide. Most candidates are not willing to travel abroad for the initial stage of an interview. It is a time saving hiring technique that enables recruiters to find the top talents.

Social Media Recruitment to Boost your Reach

Nowadays, social media is not limited to simply sharing pictures and videos, it has become a great place to find top candidates. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter boast billions of active users. It is a fairly effective technique when targeting millennials who use social media for recruitment.

When you add job openings on the job portals, make sure that you also share them on social media websites. It will help create a strong brand image to reach more audiences and target worldwide talent.

Set up a demo to learn how to automate your hiring process.

Virtual Reality is a Game Changer in Modern Recruitment

Virtual reality might seem like something that does not fit the recruitment industry, but you will be surprised by its impressive results. VR is used to demonstrate the work culture so that candidates from anywhere in the world can see what is would be like to work at the organization.

Companies like Jaguar, Jet.com, Deutsche Bahn, The British Army, Intuit, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, and many others have already integrated VR in their hiring process and have seen impressive results in their AI recruitment process.

Optimize your Hiring with Applicant Tracking Systems

Most businesses waste many resources going through hundreds of applicants and keeping track of their applications. With an applicant tracking system, a company of any size can efficiently store all of their applicants’ data in one place. After integrating an ATS into their hiring team, recruiters won’t need to handle the vast amount of paperwork.

Redesign your Employee Referral Program

One of the traditional yet creative hiring techniques is an employee referral program. Most companies that refuse to implement a referral program fail to see its limitless potential. The employees selected from referrals tend to be more productive, and have a better culture fit.

Redesign your employee referral program with cash incentives and bonuses. Create a pretty simple program with simple terms and conditions. Employee referral programs are sure to stay in trend due to their vast benefits.

Try Gamification Strategy

Gamification is the procedure of creating a game-like structure out of websites, services, and systems to boost participation. The primary goals of gamification are to increase engagement in employees and customers. Companies such as Under Armour, KFC, Starbucks, M&Ms, and Nike have successfully implemented gamification strategies.

This interactive technique is more helpful than the traditional way of screening candidates based on resumes. Adding jobs tasks in gamification will let you assess them on their performance. This creative hiring technique ensures that only skilled candidates get selected.


Implementing these creative hiring techniques will make your process more exciting. If you want to access the top talents worldwide, or even just freshen up your hiring process we suggest giving these innovative methods a try. Regularly upgrading your hiring process shows the candidates that you embrace modern technologies, for the sake of improving your business. These creative techniques are all designed around improving the experience for the candidates.