Tips for Acing Your Next Video Interview

8 Tips for Acing Your Next Video Interview

8 Tips for Acing Your Next Video Interview

Sixty percent of recruiters participated in the Society for Human Resource Management survey and said they depend on virtual interviews to narrow their applicant pool. Meanwhile, due to the coronavirus pandemic, virtual interviews have become a necessity of the hiring industry when conducting in-person interviews was not safe. This rise in online interviewing in the hiring industry clearly indicates interest in video interviewing growing across the board.

The adaptation of online video interview platforms by businesses edging closer to the mainstream hiring process. And avoiding a video interview could dent your career opportunities. 

Below are 8 tips to help you succeed in your next virtual interview and reduce interviewing stress:

1. Preparedness

A little preparation before facing the camera can help you reduce your stress level. And ensure that you sit in your video interview comfortable, confident, and articulate. Research about the company’s performance, read roles and responsibilities mentioned for the position. Also, rehearse an impressive introduction that includes the top accomplishments of your career.

2. Keep the background soothing

Make sure that the background is neat and in order. Avoid dazzling lights or decorative objects in the background. It might distract the interviewer’s attention from you. If possible, set up the camera in front of a blank wall and sit close to the camera when recording. How others notice you do matter. Especially when you are participating in a one-way video interview platform, recruiters depend on your short video clip to assess you, and a little issue might go wrong for you.

3. Find a good camera angle

Place the camera or webcam at the same level of your head and point it slightly downward, which is considered the most appropriate video interview angle. (It compels you to sit up straight and maintain right body posture throughout the interview).

4. Check your devices

Before you sit in front of the camera for an interview, it is important to check your technical devices such as- microphone, camera, and internet are working. Fix the technical issues, if any. Consider replacing devices that are creating consistent trouble. Maybe you have given an excellent answer. Perhaps, if there is poor internet speed, the picture is blurry, or the interviewers are experiencing an audio issue during an interview, it might be a red flag for you.

5. Look professional

Dress as if you are participating in a face-to-face interview. Get a haircut, and have a complete professional look. A neutral color dress works best for a video interview.

6. Make eye contact

When participating in a video interview, look at the camera to make eye contact with the interviewers. Looking off into space or down at your notes reflects an impression that you are trying to read the answer or unprepared for the interview. Lean slightly forward to show you are actively listening and engage with the interviewers.

7. Don’t engage anywhere else

A video interview is not the time when you go on checking your social media accounts or email. Prefer to close distracting applications and sites, turn off social media notifications, and put your phone in silence throughout the interview.

8. Practice mock interviews

Conducting a mock interview is one of the most effective online video interview tips that could help you ace your interview. Ask your friend or family member to conduct a mock video interview before your actual interview is scheduled. This may help you reduce stress and face the camera confidently. You will also get objective feedback on your answer’s quality, speaking speed, lighting, and camera angle.

For sure, these tips will help you improve the way you face the camera in your next video interview. If you are looking for more detailed information on an online video interview, you can check the blog and FAQs section of Jobma.

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