5 Inspired Ways to Improve Your Workplace

5 Inspired Ways to Improve Your Workplace

The workplace environment has a major impact on an employee’s mental well-being. A healthy workplace environment improves productivity and reduces employee turnover.

Let’s discuss some inspired ways to improve your workplace:

A healthy workplace depends on infrastructural designs and leadership practices. Both these factors balance well and create a positive and motivated work vibe that helps the employees perform better.

1. Practice workplace wellness:

Prioritizing wellness at the workplace would reap noteworthy results. Since wellness has different meanings for everyone, let’s generalize it. Before you start ensuring wellness for your employees, consider the following factors:

  • Is the food served in your office canteen nutritious and hygienic?
  • Are your employees motivated to work, or do they feel burdened due to workload?
  • Are you conducting occasional outings, dinners, or office parties to boost morale?
  • Are all employees compensated fairly and on time?
  • Are you giving them proper breaks and a flexible work environment?

Quick Tips:

  • Hire a yoga instructor or mindfulness therapist who visits your office every once in a while. This would be a stress relief practice for the employees.
  • Conduct a team meeting outside the workplace or at their favorite food joint, plan outings once every few months, or celebrate festivals in offices a day before the holiday.

2. Reconsider the workspace designs:

The employees spend most of their waking hours in the office, so office design and comfort should be a primary concern for employers. An improved workplace design should have:

  • Comfortable furniture
  • Well-sanitized and hygienic office area and washrooms
  • Leisure rooms/ 
  • A cafeteria / or a small kitchen set up for meal preparation 
  • Spacious workstations (where they are permitted to add their personal touch if they want)
  • Pleasant colors and adequate lighting in the office
  • Indoor or table plants for the employees (if feasible for the employer)
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3. Encourage an empathic work culture:

Healthy and motivating work culture includes company values, empathic leadership, internal behavior, and communication. It is not a one-time plan but an ongoing practice. This involves the healthy participation of employees at all levels of the organization. A healthy work culture would be where:

  • Employees are recognized and rewarded often
  • Leaders are empathic and flexible
  • Employers are welcoming to feedback
  • Informative and constructive communication
  • Impartial behavior toward each employee

4. Implement workforce diversity:

Organizations worldwide are transforming to become global entities. Embracing workplace diversity is naturally impactful and beneficial for a better workplace environment. Bringing diversity in the workplace is a trend that all modern businesses must follow. When people from different regions, social structures, ethnicities, and traditions come together, they help your organization:

  • Get new and unique ideas
  • Fresh and innovative perspectives
  • More and better ways of problem-solving
  • Global and modern outlook
  • Build solid work culture

5. Nurture a healthy work-life balance:

Work-life balance is an essential criterion for employees. A leader must value them as hardworking and efficient employees and also as individuals who have a life beyond office work. Even if your organization practices a hybrid or remote work culture, how an employer maintains a balance builds their value.

Some tips or suggestions for this would be:

  • Offer a flexible and remote working environment
  • Focus on productivity and not working hours
  • Allow breaks
  • Review work burdens regularly
  • Increase support for parents

All the points discussed above need perusal for a better workplace environment.

Wrapping up:

Statistically, 96% of employees believe that empathy is crucial to advancing employee retention. The best recruiting tools, like Jobma, can help you hire the top talents globally. Employee retention depends on an employer’s efforts to maintain a healthy workplace environment and improve it often.