Working remotely – Learn everything beforehand!

Working remotely – Learn everything beforehand!

No nerve-wracking commute, No colleagues hanging over your shoulder. No need to dress up every morning. Remote work is just wonderful. Isn’t it?

We know by now that remote work is not just another fad; it is actually good for business. It is on the rise, and employees highly prefer it. Remote work looks promising and contrary to popular beliefs, it increases productivity too. According to a recent survey, 94% of employees said their productivity was higher when working remotely.

However, remote work is constantly getting popular, but misconceptions and myths persist about remote work. There is a lot of hesitation toward remote work. Employers refrain from offering remote work because of the challenges it offers. They must know that many tools are available in the job market to make things easy for managers and their teams. For example, HR professionals are now using video interview software to ease the hiring process even while working remotely.

If you also have some confusion regarding remote work, then check out the following blog, and understand everything about remote work.

What are the misconceptions about remote work?

There are many myths about this growing sector that need to be encountered. Here are some of the common misconceptions about it.

Remote work means less productivity

It is quite easy to assume that employees don’t pay much attention to their work when bosses are not around to keep tabs on them. However, this is not correct. Productivity is not about how much time you have spent while working. It is about getting the right things done. According to a study by Harvard Business, companies experienced 13.5%  increased productivity after permitting remote work.

Communication suffers while working remotely

Working remotely doesn’t mean you can’t have quality conversations with your colleagues. Managers and team members can use some tools to improve collaboration. Telecommunication is necessary to remove in-person nuances and to dive into meaningful work. Use digital methods of socialization, and foster team communication to feel connected.

It negatively impacts the company’s culture

Although, the office camaraderie suffers when some of the team members work off-site. But managers should know that company culture is not about the water cooler gossip. It is all about the way they treat their employees. Regular interactions with teammates can eliminate this issue. Managers should appreciate and praise their employees for their hard work in a conference call with the team to promote a positive work culture.

What are some issues with remote working?

Although working remotely seems amazing, but there are some common challenges that employees or employers usually face. But as you know, there is a solution to every problem. Below are some of the common remote work pitfalls and ways to overcome them.


Distraction is the most common challenge when working remotely. This problem is a productivity killer and can turn remote work into a nightmare. While working from home, you can avoid office interruptions, but you have to deal with other kinds of distractions. It is hard to concentrate on work when you are at home and even harder if you have kids. There are more interruptions at home than in the office, such as pets, doorbells, kids, etc.

To avoid this problem, you can put a do not disturb sign on the door when you are in a meeting or working on a complex project. If you have kids, get childcare or ask other family members to take care of them. Try meditation to improve your focus.

Prioritizing work

Remote work can be difficult if you are not good at time management. You have to be a self-motivated expert because your boss will not constantly look at you. Most employees find it difficult to stick to a schedule. Managing your tasks can be challenging with the constant temptation to watch your favorite show, do other household chores, etc.

Try to complete the most important work as soon as your working hour starts. Completing the most important task at the start of the day will motivate you for the entire day. Moreover, you should know beforehand how many tasks you have to finish today. Make a schedule, and try to complete your assigned tasks according to it.

Limited social interactions

Some employees love to interact with new people at the office, go on lunch dates, and indulge in gossip around the water cooler, and while working remotely, they miss all these things. However, you can still interact with your teammates but only over the phone or through video calls.

Employees should take a break to walk around the house and have small interactions with their neighbors. They can call their friends during the break to freshen their minds. Socializing is essential for good mental health.

What are the benefits of remote working?

Remote work will not end soon, and it is all because of the benefits it offers to employees, which are-

No dress code

The best thing about remote work is you can literally work from anywhere; poolside, in a coffee shop, or on your couch. Therefore, there is no need to dress up every day. What you wear during your work hours doesn’t matter.

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Better work-life balance

Maintaining a good work-life balance is essential for everyone. It is imperative not only for employees’ mental health but also for their productivity. While working remotely, employees can use their breaks to spend time with their families. Additionally, they can spend some time on their favorite hobbies, which they were unable to do while working from the office.

Save money

Commuting is one of the most stressful things about going to the office daily. The time spent on the way to the office can be used to be more productive. Moreover, it helps in saving time and money.


The freedom that comes with remote work is invaluable. Remote workers really appreciate this freedom. Now, they can plan a day according to their professional and personal lives. Having the flexibility to play with kids, attend medical appointments, or spend time with parents can reduce the extra burden. This kind of freedom builds trust in the team, which leads to job satisfaction.

What is a common mistake to avoid when working remotely?

While some find remote work convenient, others find it difficult to orient themselves to it. One silly mistake can peril your performance and your company’s reputation. Following are some of the common mistakes that employees should avoid.

Don’t start working right after getting out of bed

Plan for the day, and prepare yourself rather than diving straight into the work with puffy eyes. Make sure to take a shower before starting the work; it will freshen you up.

Avoid getting too comfortable and snuggly

Although the idea of chilling on your bed in your pajamas may sound satisfying, but this will surely hamper your productivity. You can wear comfortable clothes while working, but don’t let your mind trick you that it is time to chill. Additionally, you should set up a dedicated workspace that is clean and away from all distractions.

Don’t avoid conversations

Excessive communication is necessary to stay in touch with your team while working remotely. Not having enough interactions can be the silliest mistake employees’ can make. Be proactive, and interact with your teammates regularly.

Don’t neglect your health

Sometimes working remotely can turn into long hours of work without any breaks. This can increase the stress level, which further leads to poor mental and physical well-being. Take breaks for eating snacks or quick strolls. Multiple studies prove that taking breaks can improve productivity.

What are the disadvantages of remote working for employers?

As they say, “every rose has a thorn.” Working remotely has numerous benefits, but it has some disadvantages too, especially for employers. Let’s learn about these disadvantages.

Tracking tasks

To hit a big target, you have to ensure that all smaller tasks are completed on time. In terms of productivity, the first thing is to see how much time long tasks are taking. Keeping track of tasks of multiple remote workers can be daunting. But, employers need to take a real-time look at the progress of the team to complete the project within the deadline. They can use project management tools to resolve this issue. These tools allow them to have a quick look at what employees are doing. Even team members can see what others are working on. Managers can discover which team member is the most efficient and assign tasks accordingly.

Lack of relations

Being an employer, it is crucial for you to maintain a good relationship with the entire team. There should be mutual respect in the whole team to work in a better way. While working remotely, it becomes difficult for managers to foster positive relationships among coworkers. Ensure regular communications with your team to strengthen relationships with employees. Additionally, you can occasionally conduct fun activities on a video call to improve team building.

Remote hiring

Hiring is one of the major concerns if your organization is working remotely. In all scenarios, companies want to hire the best talents to enhance their business growth. Some companies prefer to meet candidates in person before hiring them. The solution to this problem is digital interview software. Many tools are available; choose the one that suits your business expectations.

Is remote work less effective?

It is definitely not correct to say that remote work is less efficient. In fact, you can achieve more productivity working from home if your focus is correct. Various studies over the past few months highlight working remotely is better than working from the office in regards to productivity. On average, employees are 47% more productive when working remotely. Employees who work from home are more consistent, and they can even improve your brand reputation.

However, individuals may face some problems while working remotely, but once they are comfortable, they can perform better. Moreover, there are solutions to overcome all challenges.

Final words

Many companies fear giving work from home because employers think their employees will be less productive. They are not entirely wrong because it’s easy to get distracted at home. But the result is the exact opposite. Studies showed that employees’ productivity increased tremendously when they worked from home. There are numerous advantages of working remotely. But make sure to consider all the issues, and find their solutions to grow your business.