Measuring Employee Productivity with Remote Work

Measuring Employee Productivity with Remote Work

Mid 2020 saw a significant shift to remote and hybrid work culture. It began as a health and safety measure, but remote work is now embraced as a long-term workplace model for organizations across the globe.

Though statistically, remote work culture increases an employee’s productivity, it has become challenging for employers to measure work productivity during remote work.

Let’s discuss some of the ways to measure employee productivity during remote work.

• Set targets and deadlines:

The employer needs to set clear targets and deadlines for projects. Setting a weekly target can help you identify the employees who are being less productive.

Quick Tip:

Establish availability, communication, and collaboration expectations as a code of conduct to ensure a sincere commitment towards everyday office timings.

• Track everyday progress:

Tracking everyday progress would help employers in two ways:

  1. You can check the productivity and efficiency of the work done by the employees each day.
  2. The employees can easily communicate their requirements and ask for any help or suggestion to complete the project.

• Conduct video conferencing and team meetings often:

Conducting video conferences and team meetings regularly would help the employer:

  1. Maintain team spirit and work protocol
  2. The employees can share if they are facing any challenges during remote work
  3. They can discuss new and innovative ideas
  4. It keeps the employer and the remote employees in constant communication
  5. Employers can check and discuss their performance during remote work
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• Seek internal feedback:

This would be a beneficial technique for the employer to measure the work productivity of remote employees. Conduct a mandatory survey for all the employees to share feedback on their teammate’s performance and attitude towards work.

Quick Tip:

Keep the process healthy and anonymous so that employees don’t hesitate to be honest.

• Implement remote surveillance software:

The crucial aspect of remote work culture is seamless communication. Investing in the right tools helps you streamline your communication with the remote employees and provides excellent insight into the work done by the employees like Microsoft Teams, Slack, G-Suite, etc. Workplace Analytics enables leaders to evaluate whether the organization’s current patterns and trend practices yield expected productivity.

Quick Tip:

Trusting your employees and their productivity potential is a must. An employee who is continuously forced to push his limits can fail to do the job. A remote employer needs to have an empathic approach and help his employees perform their best every day. Trust and motivation among the workforce increase work efficiency and productivity.

Wrapping it up:

Productivity assessment is a continuous task to keep remote employees in check. A healthy ROI on your input would benefit your business’s success. As an employer, you need to be clear with your goal but not rigid. Flexibility at work is essential.

The best remote team has a combination of the right tools and strategies. Mutual support, accountability, communication, and motivation are the key.

Jobma would help you get the top talents across the globe through video interviewing. Still, you must understand and implement the above factors to keep them motivated during remote work for better work productivity.