Why You May Need a New Job

Why You May Need a New Job

Are you unhappy at work? Under-valued? Underemployed? Then you’re like many others in the current economy. You may have taken a job just to pay the bills, or thinking it would lead to something bigger and better, but if it just isn’t cutting it anymore, it’s time to find something new.

Lack of Job Satisfaction
  • First and foremost, this can affect your health. Low job-satisfaction leads to increased stress, which can lead to a plethora of ailments from high blood-pressure to insomnia. If the stress of your current position is wearing on your body, it might be time to look for something different – mostly so you don’t die. (Just kidding… kind of.)
  • Another issue that accompanies a lack of job-satisfaction is low productivity. That’s right, if you don’t like your job, you’re probably worse at it than if you were happy in your current role.
  • Again, this affects your health. Being underemployed increases your risk for depression and stress-related ailments. Which is no good.
  • Past employment is the best indicator of future employment, so if you’re underemployed now the trend may continue throughout your career. Yikes.

The good news is that you can do something about this. There are new tools that job seekers can utilize to increase the power of their personal branding and help get them into positions they love. Video resumes are a great option. They allow for potential candidates to leave employers with a first impression before they meet for an interview. This gives job seekers the ability to express their soft skills and communication style, all while letting their personality shine.

The best part about using video resumes? It leads to better company fit, which means higher job-satisfaction and lower turnover rates. If you’re looking to be happier in a new position, check out Jobma  and create your video resume today.

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