Why Recruiting Etiquette Matters

Why Recruiting Etiquette Matters

By: Debra Wheatman

Debra Wheatman, CPRW, CPCC is president of Careers Done Write, a premier career-services provider focused on developing highly personalized career roadmaps for senior leaders and executives across all verticals and industries. Debra may be contacted directly at debra@careersdonewrite.com. Visit her site at: careersdonewrite.comFollow Debra on Twitter

During, following, and since the most recent downturn in the economy, companies have enjoyed the upper hand in terms of recruiting and attracting the best of the best job candidates in the market. Job seeker desperation even in white collar industries led to relaxed recruiting behavioral standards that included but was not limited to 1) minimal if not zero callback notifications, even after second or third round interviews, 2) elimination of expense reimbursements, even for executive level roles, and 3) outright and outward disrespect of job candidates in the form of interviewers not reading CV’s ahead of conducting an interview. Here are three reasons why extending proper etiquette to all job seekers is important for any employer.

  • The high reputational cost of bad behavior.
    The backlash from job seekers spreading negative information and rumors among their circles of friends in high places can have a substantial impact on a company’s future recruiting prospects if such behavior is not discontinued, discouraged, and frowned upon.
  • Operational risk.
    Employees who experience a poor recruiting process may be less motivated to contribute to your organization right away. If you have aspirations of becoming a winning organization you don’t want employees who come on board with a sour taste in their mouths from a contentious negotiation. Consider the efficiencies that can be gained from treating potential employees with the value you expect them to bring from the start of your relationship.
  • Increasing alternatives for talented candidates.
    The market is improving, consumers spending, and job choices are coming back. If you approach recruiting like it’s 2008 be prepared for a rude awakening trying to attract top talent  – especially if your HR department isn’t promoting and/or training your hiring managers on the proper treatment of candidates. No one worth hiring will choose you over an equally attractive offer. The tables are turning; remind your management teams that talent acquisition is serious business and professionalism in all recruiting-related initiatives must be the minimum standard.

Common courtesy is expected and should be extended to your candidates. This will promote your organization in a positive way to the external world, and also contribute to positive morale internally.

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