What is a Digital Interview and How Does it Work?

What is a Digital Interview and How Does it Work?

The process of an interview via a virtual platform is commonly known as a digital interview. A digital video interview platform is entirely an online set up in which the hiring team connects with the candidates through a digital medium.  In a digital interview, both recruiters and candidates can interact with each other by text, live, and pre-recorded videos. In a digital interview, the candidates can record themselves answering questions designed by the hiring team, and the recruiters have the liberty to analyze and review a candidate at their convenience. In todays uncertain times, when industries are avoiding in-person contact with outsiders to contain the spread of coronavirus, a digital interview has emerged as an essential tool for businesses to maintain their hiring needs. If your hiring team is also having trouble in the recruitment process due to the lockdown, then consider getting a subscription of Jobma. It’s a high-tech video interview software and can save your business from getting hit due to the lack of a workforce.

How Jobma work?

Jobma provides services of pre-recorded and live interviews to its clients along with a lot of other features such as text, audio and video chat, a question kit for the hiring team, and flexibility to participate in the hiring process for both the hiring team and the candidates.

Pre-Recorded Video Interview:
In the pre-recorded interview, candidates record themselves answering the question from a question library or question kit designed by your hiring team. In this set-up, candidates have the ability to record answers at their convenience before the end of the last date of submission of the interview.

Live Interview:
Jobma also provides live interviewing services to its clients. In a live interview, the hiring team can connect in real-time with the candidates through Jobma’s recruiting tool, and can engage in live two-way communication. Jobma generally provides 2 hrs of interview recording for the candidates to connect with the hiring team but, it can be altered on recruiters demand.

How can Jobma enhance your interviewing experience?

  • Jobma is built on cutting edge technology, which provides exceptional and top-quality video interviewing experience to its clients. Below you will see how Jobma can help the recruiting ability of the hiring team of your businesses.
  • Jobma enhances the hiring efficiency of a recruiting team by cutting the candidate’s screening time when compared to an in-person or telephonic screening.
  • Jobma video interview tools add greater flexibility in the hiring process by providing the option to participate in the interview at their convenience for both candidates and the hiring team.
  • Jobma gives recruiting teams the liberty to cast a wider net and reach a larger, more diverse community of qualified candidates, ignoring the geographical boundaries.
  • Jobma digital interview platform provides a format of consistent and structured interviews that ultimately lead to higher quality hiring outcome.

The above information on the function of a digital interview and its properties can help you in finalizing a suitable digital platform for your business. If you are looking for an affordable yet technically advanced digital interview platforms, then opt for the Jobma.

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