Transparency in Today’s Job Search

Transparency in Today’s Job Search

Employers have a plethora of access points into who you are and what you do with your life before you ever set foot in their office. One extremely important aspect in your job search has to be transparency, because quite frankly, they’re going to find out what you’re trying to hide anyway.

  • Why is transparency important? Because transparency = trustworthy. If you are who you say you are from your resume, to your social profiles, to who you present yourself as during your interview, then you’re seen as someone who can be trusted.
  • Can’t I just set all of my profiles to private/change my username?
    Yes, you can do that, but what message does that send? You may want to clean up your profiles of inappropriate content from your crazy college days, but you still need to be you. Recruiters and hiring managers know when you’re only posting content aimed at landing a position, and it’s obvious that you’re hiding some unprofessional behavior if all of your profiles are private. You can still be you, still have random conversations, still talk about things that you’re passionate about, just keep it appropriate enough to share with the rest of the world. That way your online presence is a genuine representation of your offline presence. That maintains your transparency.
  • Why are video resumes a good way to bolster transparency?
    Video resumes are one way to be transparent in your job search. On paper you can say whatever you want about your skills and experience, but being on video shows who you really are. If your resume says that you have excellent verbal communication skills they will be evident in your video resume, the ease with which you talk about previous experience reveals your depth of knowledge, and your comfort level with the topic. Video resumes create an opportunity for a level of transparency never seen before.

If you want to present yourself as an honest, trustworthy individual before you meet a potential employer face-to-face, make sure that you’re transparent online. Be open, be honest, and even tell them about yourself in your own words.

Want to create your own video resume? Click here and get started with jobma! .

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