The Top Hiring Complaints

The Top Hiring Complaints

When looking for a new employee, employers want someone who is qualified and talented, excited about the position, and a good fit for the culture of the company. For all of these reasons, they put a lot of time and effort into the hiring process. Despite this willingness to dedicate resources to this process, finding and hiring the right candidate can be quite frustrating. With the modern job search involving more and more automatic approvals and rejections and less in-person meetings, some excellent applicants are falling through the cracks. Here are two of the biggest hiring complaints and a solution to get around them:

  • “I have too many applications to be able to review them all!”

This is a big concern. You are busy. So what do you do? You create a basic checklist of everything that you want in a job candidate. You quickly check off the list for a candidate, and if they don’t meet everything on it, they are out. The problem is, if you find someone that is mediocre in every category, they may get the job, but the person that is truly excellent in one important category falls through the cracks because they didn’t pass your checklist test.

  • “Great people get excluded for minor reasons.”

Yes, this is another major hurdle in the hiring process. To get around this obstacle, come up with a clear list of the areas in which your company is truly suffering. Look for people that excel in that particular area. Even if they do not meet everything you mentioned in your job description, you will be much happier with them in the long run. It is also very important to have a complete and thorough understanding of a candidate before making decisions that exclude the candidate based on a minor flaw or detail.

If you change your focus to finding people that will truly help your company instead of the ones that merely look good on paper, you will be much happier with your hiring process results. Video resumes are an excellent way to accomplish this. By incorporating video resumes into your pre-screening process, you’ll be able to not only see the candidate’s hard skills and qualifications, but also be able to genuinely understand who the candidate is as an individual and a professional.

If you haven’t yet, sign up for a free two-month employer account on Jobma today. Experience the difference of hiring empowered with video.

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