Graduating? Now What?

Graduating? Now What?

Job hunting after graduation is rarely an easy task. Fortunately, these tips can make a successful post-graduation job hunt just a little easier.

To find any job upon graduation, the first thing you should do is simply develop a plan – otherwise, you could find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer volume of tasks and options you face. Start simple; collect all of the paperwork you will need for your job hunt, including copies of your driver’s license, social security card, college transcript and of course your resume.

Resumes are essential for an effective job hunt, but designing a good one can be particularly challenging for recent graduates. After all, many have only limited prior work experience, if any. If this describes your situation, the worst thing you can do is make up experience you do not actually have. However, you may well have more relevant experience than you think. List volunteer work, extracurricular activities, relevant projects completed and the like. Be sure to highlight how each activity relates to the job or jobs for which you apply.

In addition, you may want to include a video resume that allows your soft skills to show through. Although a different candidate may have more experience than you, a video resume could prove to employers that you blow them away when it comes to confidence, professional presentation, personality, etc! Pairing a video resume with your written resume gives employers a full picture of you as a professional.

Now that the documentation for your job hunt is prepared, you should decide exactly which jobs to apply for. Of course, you will have to be realistic in your initial goals. Chances are high you that will be looking at what is termed entry-level employment, especially during today’s widespread economic downturns. Simply look for entry-level jobs that can tie into a long-term career. For instance, if you want to be the next great Hollywood makeup artist, but need to make some money now, think about getting a job at a high-end fashion boutique, salon or specialty retail makeup outlet. Regardless of external factors like job experience and the economy, with determination, drive and creativity, the sky truly is the limit.

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