DOs and DONTs of Video Resumes

DOs and DONTs of Video Resumes

A video resume (sometimes called a visual resume or a virtual resume) can be an excellent way to make a personal connection with a company. They are far more personal than a paper resume and allow employers to see how you present yourself. A good resume could result in landing the job. However, done badly, it could be a detriment. Here are 5 “Do’s” and 5 “Don’t’s” for video resumes that work:


  1. Dress professionally. Treat your video resume as you would a job interview.
  2. Prepare! Write down what you plan to say and, if possible, memorize it.
  3. Consider the background. Record your video in front of a nice, uncluttered office, library or living room setting, or by a plain wall or backdrop.
  4. Engage the viewer. Maintain eye contact, be enthused, and show your true personality. Let the employer know you’re excited about working for them! Be professional, warm, and a touch of humor never hurts.
  5. Speak clearly. Be sure to enunciate each word.


  1. “Wing it.” While natural speech and flow is encouraged, don’t “wing” the whole resume. Make sure you’ve at least prepared on outline of what you’d like to include.
  2. Use “Ums” or “Ahs.” Omitting “filler” words or sounds will double or triple how professional you sound.
  3. Speak too fast. This is a common mistake of public speakers; strike a relaxed, natural, conversational tone.
  4. Fidget. Maintain good posture and eye contact during the video resume.
  5. Pause too much. Avoid dead air; keep things flowing smoothly and naturally.

So there you have it — 10 video resume tips on how to get an interview. A student resume or video resume for a job should be planned carefully. These tips can be a format for resume success. Resumes that work will help with getting an interview, and a good resume on video could very well be your key to success.

Create your video pitch today!

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