A Video Resume in my College Application?

A Video Resume in my College Application?

Are you still unsure about this whole video resume saga? Not convinced that it is the hiring process of the future? In response to your potential uncertainties, I’ll let you know that video resumes are quickly taking off in arenas outside of the workforce. For example, several colleges and universities are now accepting video resumes in their applications. Pitzer College, a liberal-arts school in Los Angeles, started accepting video resume attachments to its college application back in 2010. Video resumes allow the admission committee to see a student’s personality and make a more informed decision about whether or not a student would be a good fit for the school. University of San Francisco professor Ryan Wright even uses a lesson plan that requires his students to create a resume as part of an assignment.

An article by azcentral.com also notes that some employers even request (not just accept!) resumes as a part of their standard application. For example, the article describes a president of a California-based company that required video resumes to apply for an open sales associate position. Joseph Hei did so partly to ensure his candidates were people that are comfortable with media and technology. (As a side note, Joseph Hei is a Stanford grad. Even the Ivy League crowd is catching on to the resume trend!)

Furthermore, consider using your resume outside the realm of a job or college application. You could utilize your resume when applying for a lab position, applying for volunteer positions, or even asking someone to accept the role of your career mentor. Any place where it’s appropriate to give someone more access to who you are as a person and a professional is a great place to consider.

Lastly, video resumes are especially useful to use in any applications you are submitting to out-of-state locations. These applications could be anything from job and college applications to scholarship applications and internship applications. Because you’re unable to meet the representatives without traveling, you’re at a disadvantage compared to candidates that can initiate face-to-face contact and, in doing so, further brand their skills. It allows you to overcome this hurdle and introduce yourself before the interview.

Don’t miss out on this video resume trend! Create a free Jobma account and start shooting your video resume today.

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