5 Mistakes to Avoid During a Video Interview!

5 Mistakes to Avoid During a Video Interview!

Anyhow the moment you hear the word interview, it’s so obvious to get nervous, especially when you are hunting for a job and receives a call for the same. However, the advent of video interview strategy has brought down the pressure out of the aspirant’s head. Now, the methodology of video interview is widely getting acceptance all around the Industry.

Video interview is the perfect opportunity to present you, as it simply boosts your chances to get selected in an interview. Here, you can easily convince the employer that you are the ideal candidate for the particular job profile in their organization.

However, almost job seekers commit few silly mistakes that may possibly cost them their job. Here, we are scripting down some common mistakes that we all ignore to notice.

  • Are you arriving late?
    Appearing late for the interview is the most common case, which happens with almost every one of us. But, it built up a negative impression and shows your casual attitude & non-professionalism towards the job. So, value the time and appear as per the schedule time of interview.

  • Are you casually dressed?
    When we look at someone, then the very first thing we notice is its dressing sense, to perceive his/her personality, taste or individuality. As, we all know very well that a video interview gets conducted in virtual surroundings, still, it’s important to dress in a professional way. Your well dressed up personality can actually impress your prospective employer. So, always dress-up like a professional, even if it’s a video interview, opt for elegant & simply look. But remember; don’t go for much experiment with your dresses and appearance to look smarter, it might land you in trouble.

  • 3. Are you nervously appearing in the interview?
    Being Nervous is so common in an interview, for all but showing it all through your body language, words and expressions may create problems for you. Even if you are nervous, just don’t allow it to rule your personality. Take a deep breath; Stay confident & positive about yourself and your capabilities. By default, your hidden confidence will get replicated in your personality.

  • Is your Mobile phone ringing during the interview?
    Mobile Phones plays an important role in our lives, it lets you connect with everyone around you. But we don’t need to show it off or keep it on, especially when you are appearing for an interview. If your phone rings or receives a text, the sound alert on your mobile phone is a major turn and can easily ruin your interview. So, make sure that your phone is either switched off or on silent mode during your interview. Try to avoid this silly mistake, as your casual attitude can cost you your job.

  • Are you manipulating with your experience or skills?
    Video interviews, generally doesn’t take much of your time. They are of short duration, so have to be clear, specific and quick in that particular time-span.

Now, if anyone tries to manipulate their prospective employer with regard to your skills and experience in that short time-frame, then they are simply making a wrong attempt. As, it can easily get sensed from your face that you are lying or manipulating things and progressively counts you negative during the final assessment session. So, one should not even try for such kind of things.

Well, these small things which we don’t even bother to give a look make a lot of difference and have the power to spoil our interview. So, try to avoid such silly mistakes, to make the most out of your video interview.

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