Top Global HR Trends

Top Global HR Trends for 2024 and Beyond

The worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 in 2022 has forever left its mark on the way we live and work. However, we’re still living through the pandemic, it’s the right time when we should start preparing for a post-COVID world. And learn to live and thrive amid unforeseen circumstances directly or indirectly occurs due to COVID-19.

Some trends have been in practice by HR personnel for a long time and have now been accelerated to ensure the safety and successful handling recruitment process. Whereas many have become inevitable to cope with drastic changes that companies are going through. In this post, we’ll discuss top HR trends that are likely to be a part of the recruitment industry in 2021 and beyond.

Home as the new office

Home as the new office

One of the most significant changes in 2022 was the overnight shift to remote work for much of the workforce. However, remote working was already in practice for skilled workers in many companies and some countries before the pandemic started. There’re also plenty of organizations that haven’t well-planned work-from-home policy in place. But the corona pandemic left no option for businesses and forced them to shift their professional activities on the virtual platform without thinking much over consequences.  The sudden rise in WFH across the world has become one of the inevitable HR trends in 2023.

Reinventing the employee experience

Reinventing the employee experience

Imagine your pre-covid onboarding experience in mind when you were welcomed by your new team with flowers and cake and found your new laptop wrapped on your desk. Now compare your real-life experience to 100 % online onboarding. Do you feel the same warmth in both the condition and connect to your colleagues in the same way? Of course not. Here the HR manager has to explore the changing landscape of employee interaction. To make this abrupt shift smoother, the HR team has to redesign the employee journey in an organization and measure the virtual experience of the employee to maintain and improve employee retention. Factors like work-life balance, mental well-being, and collaboration need to be restructured and reinvented to ensure employee satisfaction and thriving business outcomes.

HR in the driver’s seat

HR in the driver's seat

It is a fact that the COVID pandemic has forced us to a massive shift in how we operate our businesses. It has also posed significant challenges to employees, and they’re worried about their health and job security when dealing with the stress inherent in living through the COVID-19 pandemic.

And of course, leadership is worried too about what should be communicated and how it should be done to make things work right. Amid all this chaos, companies turn to HR for the best possible solution. In the new normal, organizations expect the HR departments to facilitate employees, manage concerns and queries of the employees, handle their business requirements, and focus on employees’ mental and emotional well-being.

Freelancing of services

Freelancing of services

Digitization and automation of work have reinvented the employer relationship with the organizations, and the trend of freelancer and gig workers are increasingly becoming popular in post-COVID work culture. The post-COVID studies reveal that including from small businesses to giant MNCs, all preferring freelance workers to get their work done comfortably and cost-effectively so that they can compete with their opponents without facing a significant loss in business.

Increasing risk of detachment

Increasing risk of detachment

Routine real-life interaction of employees during lunch hours, tea breaks, and recess periods helps them develop a better understanding and bond. Work and office are becoming more disconnected due to the remote work culture. Keeping employees engaged when they are working remotely requires an extraordinary effort. And allowing things to be settled on their own might give rise to detachment and lack of coordination.  It has also been found that working from home makes it more difficult to draw the line between work and private life. In a remote working setup, your manager and colleagues are out of sight most of the time, and the connection between you and the rest of the employees becomes looser over time. However, video conferencing could help a bit but not enough. The long-term effects of working from home yet have to be studied, but for sure it isn’t a perfect and all-positive way to work.

Skill mapping

Skill mapping

Skill assessment and involvement of technology such as AI enable HR tools to know about the capabilities of the candidates would be a more common HR practice in the year 2023 due to increasing practices of the automated recruitment process. A video interview software could help you customize your vacant position and widen your search by including adjacent skills in your search option. Knowing the required skills and abilities that might be used in the future is becoming more important, especially in the hiring industry.

Above are top HR trends for 2024 and beyond that would set traditional recruiting practices to rest and dominate the hiring industry in the coming future. Not only this, the above trends would prominently influence your business operation and reinvent the way to live & thrive amid covid breakout. What do you think would be the popular HR trend in 2023? Share your views in the comments. If you are also looking for the technological advancement of your talent acquisition department to meet new interviewing challenges and triumph, subscribe to Jobma video interviewing software.