The Power of Video Exposed

The Power of Video Exposed

As a job seeker, creating a video resume or completing a video interview may seem like just one more tedious step in the job search process. Although these things do take time, the benefits that you’ll enjoy from utilizing these tools will far outweigh the costs.

If you’ve been keeping up with this blog, then you’re familiar with the idea of using video to showcase your soft skills. These skills are incredibly important and being able to show them off is a huge bonus. However, it turns out that employers can view your video resume or video interview to gather much more information about you than just your soft skills. More specifically, your video gives employers the opportunity to consider if you would be a good cultural fit for the company. In fact, according to experts, 20% of an in-person interview is about confirming your hard skills and the remaining 80% is about seeing if you would be a good fit for the company (source: Fast Company). These statistics show just how important a good employee-employer fit is to a successful hire.

In utilizing video, then, you no longer have to wait for an in-person interview to show an employer that you would be an ideal fit for the company. Instead, you can make a video to display this. Start by considering your preferred work style, preferred work environment, and communication style. What is it about these things that would make you a good fit with the given company? Brainstorm the answer to this question and keep its answer in the front of your mind while you’re creating your video content. Make it a top priority to create a video that shows off these qualities about you.

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