INFOGRAPHIC: Personal Branding & Social Media

INFOGRAPHIC: Personal Branding & Social Media

When searching for a job, it is of utmost importance to convey a singular, dynamic, consistent message about who you are as a professional. Personal branding (or the process of conveying such a message) let’s employers know that you are who you say you are, and you’ll do what you say you’ll do. Inconsistencies in this personal brand image leave those who view it skeptical of its legitimacy, so it’s important to manage all avenues through which employers can catch a glimpse of who you are. This is where social media comes in.

Social media is everywhere, and likely, you are everywhere on social media. With Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. it can get a little overwhelming. If you’re confused about exactly what you need to be doing on each particular social media network, check out this handy infographic from

As can be seen in the infographic, there are plenty of places to be and be seen on the internet. If you’d like to go even further to promote yourself and your personal brand, think about creating a video resume. Video resumes allow you to express your soft skills and personality beyond what text and images can do. Introduce yourself to potential employers and show them that you are who you say you are across all of these social media platforms, and that you’ll continue to be that person when you’re working in their office.

If you’d like to look into creating a video resume, check out Jobma. If you’re interested in more job search, interviewing, or resume tips, click here for more jobma blogs to read. Good luck!

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