Video Resumes, The Game is Here

Video Resumes, The Game is Here

Stand a better chance at getting hired with a perfect video resume

The concept of a video resume is not new, it dates back to the 1980’s. Back then it was only video recordings of a typical interview, stored in VHS tapes. Today, video resumes have the potential to land you the job instantly, if you do it right. But it takes more than some video editing skills to make a perfect video resume.

The best confidence booster

You may be new to the concept and all too excited to try it out. Some have waited for years to share their first video resume with recruiters. But no matter how tempted you are, you need to wait for the right opportunity. Wait till you find the right people to help you with it.

Once you get a video resume, you will be way more confident to be speaking in front of the recruiters at a face-to-face interview because now you know they liked how you talk and present yourself and they are interested in your candidature.

Sometimes a video resume lands you the job. You will at least earn a call back for sure if you make a good video resume.

The worst mistakes

You can take a simple tutorial from a friend, or experts, and make your own video resume. When you have acquired the basic skills, practice speaking in a video in a formal yet amicable manner. With a few practice videos, you will be ready for the final one. To help you achieve a great start, here are a few tips about what to never do:

Don’t recite your resume: That is not the idea of a video resume. If you are wondering “Why would anybody even do that!”, you are in the safe zone.

Do not go on for too long: Your video resume should be short, to the point, and informative. This isn’t your autobiography. Focus on the important things like why you should be hired and what your unique skills are. Maybe a little about what you love to do, relevant to the position of course. Don’t let the video cross the 2 minutes mark. Anything more than that is too long.

Don’t be boring: The entire point of a video resume is to show your creative side. Add in some humor here and there, use some clean but impressive effects.

Don’t be unprofessional: You are not Skyping with your friend. Wear formals, talk in a formal language, make sure the background is decent, and stick to the point even when you are cracking a joke.

Don’t display unimpressive body language: The list of things to never do while filming a video resume include fidgeting, stuttering, not maintaining eye contact, stiffening up, too many hand gestures, smiling too much or not at all, and most of all, looking away into a script behind the camera.

With these tips, you can create a professional level video resume, or at least prepare for it by practicing at home.

Why take the trouble?

If you are not excited about a video resume or do not want to spend getting one made, here is something that can change your mind. A video resume, though not much on its own, is a great start to creating an impact on potential employers. It shows creativity, confidence, effort, and skills. A video resume takes you a long way because:

It is interactive: A video resume offers the visibility that an email resume won’t. While many others are using only words, with a video resume, you have already reached halfway into an actual face-to-face interview. Recruiters will definitely remember you better and take greater interest as they have already figured how you present yourself and how confident you are in communicating.

It gives you exposure: You can upload your video resume on relevant business networking sites. Just one upload and recruiters in your connections can watch it as many times as they want.

It offers accurate representation: Even with previous work samples, recruiters are not sure of candidates. They need something more to judge your skills and expertise. With a well-made video that is made with care, you get to flaunt your skills directly.

It offers a platform to flaunt your creativity: If you are in the advertising or marketing field, a video resume is where you get to showcase your creativity. This adds to the impact on the recruiters.

It shows confidence and interest: You can make a video resume even if you have a written resume. It shows an effort to interact and stand out. Keep it very short but be confident and positive in the tone, it really rubs off on a recruiter going through tens or hundreds of monotonous resumes.

Some argue that a video resume is not a good idea because recruiters have to play back a video instead of just reading through to find something important. But if you keep the video short, and have a clear voice, stress on the important parts, your resume will be etched in the mind of anyone watching. A professional quality video resume is worth investing in.

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