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Benefits and Limitations of Adapting Virtual Interviewing In Your Talent Acquisition Team

Virtual video interviewing allows candidates to record interview questions from anywhere at their own time. And makes the interview process asynchronous. This means neither recruiters nor candidates need to participate in the interview process at the same time.


Virtual interviewing is gradually becoming common in the hiring industry as it fast-tracks the screening and shortlisting of candidates. Unlike traditional interviewing, the online video interview tool makes initial hiring remote-based and helps you escape from the time-consuming telephonic screening process. Based on the job description, it shortlists the most suitable applicants for the in-person interview. And optimise your ability to collect, compile and process candidates' data. But how much is this format beneficial for businesses, and what are its limitations?

Virtual video interviewing allows candidates to record interview questions from anywhere at their own time. And makes the interview process asynchronous. This means neither recruiters nor candidates need to participate in the interview process at the same time.

How does a virtual interview work?

Integration of virtual interview software in your HR team allows you to record answers once for all and let the candidates respond to the interview questions at their chosen convenience. Once the candidates submit the response, it allows the hiring managers to review & score the candidate's answer from anywhere and at any time. An HR digital solution introduces recruitment automation in your talent acquisition department and helps you streamline your interviews. Besides, virtual hiring promotes greater collaboration within the recruiting team and engages more than one person in the decision-making.

Perhaps, we have many benefits to count in favour of virtual interviews. It also imposes some limitations on recruiters and candidates. For instance- you can't raise counter questions in a recorded video interview, as you only have the option to stick to the pre-determined script throughout the interview process. Sometimes candidates participate in the interview process to improve their understanding of the company. This practice was adversely got affected when we interviewed via an on-demand interviewing format, as there was no option to respond to candidates' doubts or queries instantly. Here we will discuss the pros and cons of using HR digital technology to hire the right-fit candidates.

Benefits of Virtual interviews

1. Connects you to the global talent pool

With a virtual recruiting tool, you can enhance your access to global talent, interact, and gather detailed information about the candidates from afar. This helps you observe and identify a suitable talent without calling them in for the interview. Virtual hiring shifts your recruitment process on an automated platform and plays a key role in the employer's branding. Embracing digital tools into your hiring process sends a message to the candidates that you are updated with new tech-trends. For example, if you are looking for a candidate to fulfil a key role in your company, you can connect to the global talent using Jobma video interview platform and shortlist the most suitable candidate for the position without any travel expenses.

2. Automates your hiring schedule

A virtual interviewing platform helps you post jobs on the online portal (, send auto-reminder for the interviews, and screen a lot of candidates automatically, at the same time. It also helps you shortlists the candidates based on job descriptions and reduces time-taken to find a job-fit candidate. A recruiting tool's essential benefits are- Unlike traditional telephonic process, no waste of time on scheduling and conducting interviews, well-structured your interview and eliminates the chances to divert in small chit-chats. Besides, it pre-determines your interview question and helps to maintain interview order. These benefits make your hiring quicker and comprehensive.

3. Introduce an insightful hiring process

Remote video interviews encourage evidence-based hiring and deliver more comprehensive and effective recruitment outcomes in limited investment. It automates your recruitment process and reduces the interview rounds, ensuring faster and smarter recruitment ahead. For the candidates, digital hiring solutions are an opportunity to showcase their communication and professional abilities going beyond the CV. However, recruiters can gaze if a candidate is only great on paper or having some extra-ordinary skills.

Limitations of virtual interviews

1. Not showcasing the candidates' true personality

A digital hiring solution may not go perfect for those candidates who hesitate to face the camera or to participate in an interactive process with machines for the first time. Similarly, it may feel like acting in front of the camera for many candidates, making the applicants over-conscious and uncomfortable. In this condition, the hiring managers can't get a true response or wrongly evaluate a candidate.

2. No follow-up questions

On-demand video interviews are designed to respond to a set series of questions, and you are bound to stick to the same script with all the candidates participating in the interview process. However, you can't ask counter-questions or follow-up questions to check the candidates' presence of mind.

3. No way to respond to candidate's queries

An interview is a two-way flow of information. It involves the exchange of question-answer to understand each-other during an interview. Also, a Pre-recorded interview limits the scope of conversation with candidates beyond the script and turns recruitment into a semi-robotic activity. It's a one-way interaction, where the chances of modifying interview questions or raising queries amid interviews are impossible.

The engagement of a digital tool in a talent acquisition department help recruiters makes hiring automated, fast, and cost-effective. It increases your accessibility to the worldwide talent pool and helps you achieve a greater hiring experience than ever before. With virtual interviews, you can get unlimited storage to record interviews and use it to compare a candidate from the rest, which helps you improve your hiring standard.

But, as we noticed, it has some markable limitations too. Virtual hiring reduces the human touch from the recruitment process and makes it machine-based. It limits the scope of analyzing the emotional element in a candidate, which is a serious flaw. Finally, if you want to integrate an interviewing tool in your HR tool, we recommend you to check our blog, Pre recorded Interview Pros and Cons before you hop on it.

Schedule a demo

We empower companies of all sizes to find the best person for the job - without having to break the bank to do it. Schedule your free demo today to learn more about our virtual interview software.