Best Tips to Source Top Talents for Start-ups

Best Tips to Source Top Talents for Start-ups

In today’s fierce job market, sourcing top candidates are the most important task for every organization. Traditional methods won’t help you find skilled individuals who will fit in your work culture. It’s up to the sourcing techniques you choose to help you find active job seekers.

Startups face a stiff challenge in the recruitment industry as most candidates prefer going with established organizations to improve job security. It is important to evaluate your current sourcing techniques and make necessary improvements. Check out these tips to recruit top talents to your startups.

Plan your strategy

It’s common for a recruiter to get mixed up in the sourcing process, causing them to lose talented candidates due to such issues. You must plan everything related to your sourcing process so that you can quickly find the top talents. As a startup, you should carefully plan every step of your sourcing process to ensure success. Always focus on these four points to thoroughly plan your hiring strategy for startups.

  1. Describe an ideal candidate for the position
  2. Clearly mention minimum requirements for the job position
  3. Add relevant job title
  4. Use search filters to find candidates by skills, location, and experience

Select top rated job sites

Advertising your job posts on multiple job boards is an effective sourcing technique. As a startup, you have to work harder to find talented individuals for your organization. Check out these top job sites that are used by every top recruiter in the industry.

  • Careers Portal
  • Indeed
  • Glassdoor
  • LinkedIn
  • Jobs2Careers
  • Monster

By posting ads on these job sites, you can reach a wider and more relevant audience. It will help you attract a lot of active job seekers so that you can choose the top talents.

Review your top candidates from past

Startups deal with a lot of changes in the workforce, and you need to actively hire for new job openings. Sometimes you have multiple talented individuals for a particular job position, but you can only select a few individuals as per job openings. If the same position opens up, you can contact the top candidates from your previous hiring process.

Modify your social media strategy

Social media is now a crucial aspect of the sourcing & hiring process, and it can help you access the millennial and gen Z workforce. Analyze and improve your social media strategy to target active job seekers. Search for up-to-date LinkedIn profiles to ensure that you find candidates who are interested in the position.

Search for candidates on top social media sites such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. You can check a candidate’s LinkedIn profile and get direct links to their social media accounts. This could help you assess and find culturally fit candidates.

Use advanced filters to search for skilled candidates

Basic search on job boards will give you broad results, which means that you will be competing for the same candidate pool as your competitors. To build a skilled talent pool, you must use advanced filters available on the job boards. 

You can add words such as manage, creative, and teamwork to find ideal candidates for your startup. It’s crucial for startups to find unique talents who can bring a fresh perspective to their business. This allows you to try new ideas that could bring success to your organization.

Set up a demo to learn how to automate your hiring process.

Bring modern technology to your recruitment team

Modern technologies are making our lives more convenient by making work easier and more efficient. Add modern technologies to your sourcing process to create a seamless process.

This will help you post job ads on top job boards and ensure that you can reach more job seekers. You can integrate applicant tracking systems and artificial intelligence technologies to upgrade your hiring process. Add modern technology to your recruitment team to eliminate any errors in your hiring process. Recruiters can save more time sourcing candidates and build an interactive talent acquisition strategy.

Analyze data to improve your sourcing techniques

We took a lot of time to understand the importance of data in the recruitment process. Data analytics is an integral part of the recruitment process as you can discover areas of improvement in your sourcing process. You can get details such as:

  • Average response time
  • Feedback for the screening process
  • Total time to apply for the open job positions
  • Number of applicants from different job sites

HR leaders will find such data to be quite helpful in improving their startup hiring plan. It will help you work on the weak points while focusing on your strengths.


Candidate sourcing is a crucial aspect of the recruitment process. Talented employees are the heart of an organization, and you must build a strong team that will bring success to your startup. Keep on improving your sourcing techniques to achieve success in this competitive job market.