Job Seekers: Is Video Interviewing Right for You?

Job Seekers: Is Video Interviewing Right for You?

You want me to record video responses to interview questions? Yes, it can sound a bit intimidating at first. But once you get over the newness of conducting an interview via video, you’ll (hopefully!) be able to see the vast number of benefits that this interviewing style has to offer. The following are just a few:

  • Show off those soft skills!

    By adding a video interview to the collection of materials an employer will use to pre-screen you with, you give yourself quite an edge over other job seekers who opt not to use a video interview. In doing so, you are able to show off your confidence, professionalism, charismatic personality, motivation, and other soft skills. With so many job seekers with similar technical and hard skills, these soft skills will be the ones to make you stand out in the eyes of an employer!

  • Employers gravitate towards video interviewing.

    Think about it from their point of view: Using video interviews in addition to text resumes as a pre-screening tool saves employers time, money, and resources in determining whether or not they want to bring you in for an interview. It offers them an instant snapshot of who you are. So by pairing your text resume and job application with video interview responses, you automatically give yourself an edge over other job seekers that do not do so. Employers will notice you first!

  • It’ll also save you valuable time and resources.

    Not only will video interviewing save employers time and resources, but it will also save you time and resources. If employers are able to see your video interviewing responses before bringing you in for an interview, they are able to have a better understanding of who you are and, also, have more confidence in bringing you in. On the flip side, employers who do not think that you’d be a good fit for their company can now know that instantly. Although that might sound like bad news, it actually will save you the time and hassle of having to attend an in-person interview in order to figure out that the company isn’t a good match.

These are only three of the benefits that video interviewing can offer to you as a job seeker. Hopefully, once you try it out for yourself, you’ll see that there are many, many more!

To get started with video interviewing, sign up for your free Jobma job seeker account today. You’ll have instant access to jobs made compatible with video interviewing and give your career search a competitive edge.

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